Other Resources
Below are some links to other Resources. Note that selecting the links will leave the BRHA website.
City of Bristol Virginia
The Official Website of the City of Bristol, Virginia : “A Good Place to Live”
Bristol Chamber of Commerce
Bristol Virginia & Tennessee
Commonwealth of Virginia
The Official Virginia Homepage
Virginia’s housing search site, where landlords list for free and renters find homes that meet their needs and budget.
Virginia Housing
State housing finance agency
Virginia Association of Housing and Community Development Officials
Helping families find decent and affordable places to live.
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
Committed to help create a nation in which all people have decent, safe, affordable housing and economic opportunity in viable, sustainable communities.
Southeastern Regional Council – NAHRO One of eight regions of NAHRO, SERC represents 10 Southeastern States: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, and WV.
Public Housing Authorities Directors Association – PHADA works closely with members of Congress in efforts to develop sensible and effective public housing statutes and obtain adequate funding for low-income housing programs. The association also serves as an advocate before the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on a variety of regulations governing public housing nationwide.
Housing America Campaign
A campaign that aims to raise national awareness of the need for and importance of safe, decent affordable housing through education, advocacy, and empowerment.
HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
ReThink Housing | Why Housing Matters
Watch, read, and share the inspirational stories from public housing and rethink its impact on individuals, families, and your own community.